Creative Tuesday (and AEDM) – little house

‘Special precautions were required when Uncle Bill came to visit.’
Little House, pen on bleedproof paper, approx. 290 x 200 mm
Is it a little sad that when prompted with the phrase ‘little house’, the first thing that came to mind was a toilet? Or should I blame it on being Australian?
In any case, the ‘little house’, dunny, outhouse, shed out back, Aunt Jane’s, and a whole variety of names not suitable to be written on this blog was, and, in some cases, still is, a small building out the back of a property containing a toilet, traditionally either a pan or long drop. For further info, feel free to visit good ol’ Wikipedia. There is also a humorous Dunny piece of poetry here.

(‘Give me a home among the gumtrees…’)

PS: technically speaking this art was done yesterday, but the piece of work I attempted today was so bad, it is never going to utilise pixels on this computer or any other. Hopefully tomorrow will be more arty.

EDIT: I forgot to give you a link to the great Creative Tuesday challenge over on Hot Toast and Jam. Go visit! There are lots of other yummy talented peeps over there.