Category: portraiture

  • My five favourite paintings
  • They all end up as mermaids

    I’ve completed another painting. This one took on a life of its own and ended up quite different from what I had intended. It seems that I always end up painting mermaids.

  • Four paintings and two exhibitions

    After a year of not much painting, but a whole pile of web design and graphic design, I finally cracked a month ago and determinedly put my painting at the top of the priority pile. Consequently I now have a backlog of work to catch up on, but I do have four paintings that have…

  • The Case of the Annoying Portrait

    This is a story of a portrait that just wouldn’t behave.

  • Guess who?

    . Work in progress ::grin:: Guess who? 😀 Playing with my watercolours. It is always good to test out a new medium with a portrait 😀 Liz

  • Just draw.

    I recently finished an eight week drawing course – Creative Drawing with Lauryn Arnott at Gallery One. I enjoyed it and really found it worthwhile, and it has certainly affected my current art direction. I originally chose it because I desperately needed to continue some regular art practise with other people. I spent a year…

  • Winter returns

    The temperature is forecast to dip below 20C this week, the final sign that summer is truly leaving and the April rains are due. Here comes the cold. I’m not a fan of winter, however for the first time in a long time we will be travelling interstate this year right in the depths of…

  • Retrospective – Doin’ the Van Gogh

    So I discovered Vincent van Gogh. I read about his life several times, stared at his art, considered his philosophy, and realised that the great painters were just like any of us, products of their time, with perhaps a little more mind altering substances at hand.

  • Retrospective – Fauve bottles and a husband in a hat

    And this was my second attempt. I think something clicked, though I’m still not one hundred percent sure. The closest I could get to the requested concept was to pixelate the image and place each of the colours side by side, mixing, if necessary, on the palette, not the painting. It was the only logic…

  • A Piece a Week 17 – Nightlight

    I was putting my youngest daughter to bed a couple of nights ago and as she snuggled up to her doll, I was struck by her pose. I grabbed my camera and as she fell asleep (she was very tired, we were up late) I snapped some very blurry photos of her